Thursday 17 November 2011

Safe Online Chinese Dating A Matter of Choice

Many detractors of online Chinese dating cite safety concerns as the major reason for staying away from it. But anyone who throws away baby with the bathwater isn’t exactly a smart person. I bet picking a date in a bar or anywhere else has its own inherent dangers, but people do it all the time. In fact, online dating sites are relatively safer place as you get time to objectively view, understand and check the compatibility quotient before you proceed. On the other hand, appearance and sex appeal often sway your judgement and you are hurtled headlong into a torrent affair even before you have any inkling what the other person is all about.

 There is no denying that Scammers are a threat to not only your money but also your self-confidence and emotional well-being, if you are not careful enough. Basically scammers are of three types. The first type of scammers are those who are hard boiled professionals who use dating scams to make money because it is easy money. They are too lazy to go out and find themselves a job or wake up at 5 to go to work. They keep their eyes strictly on your wallet and lie incessantly from the very beginning with the intention of squeezing you as much as possible. 

Second type of scammers is that who are opportunist. They join an online Chinese dating website to find a partner but if an opportunity presents itself in the form of a person who is eager to show off his wealth or is too keen on them, they don’t hesitate to take advantage of the situation. The third category of scammers consists of those people who may be genuine and honest in another time and place but their desperate situation makes them resort to unfair means for making money.

You can stay safe from any type of scammer if you stick to the basic rule of not sending any cash to people you have interacted only online. Don’t ever discuss your financial status with your online dates and spend a lot of time in getting to know her as a person. Most scammers give themselves away by probing about your financial status and asking for financial assistance early in relationship. They start with a small sum but once you pay up, you can be sure that requests will grow. Make it a point to inform administration of the dating website when you are solicited as it helps them to keep track of scammers and remove them from their site. 

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Monday 7 November 2011

Find Real Women on Genuine Online Chinese dating Sites

Chinese dating is fun filled but, nonetheless, a time consuming activity which requires effort. I am sure nobody wants to waste their time and energy chasing pretty girls on an online Chinese dating site who late turn out to be fake. Implausible as it may sound, the fact is that many online dating sites that are mushrooming all over the World Wide Web with pictures of attractive women on their homepage are hoax. They don’t care if the hapless souls who register with them find a partner or not, they are only interested in stealing the contents of their passbook.  If people are hurt or lose their self-confidence or self respect, it’s none of their concern.

The word “free” should always be eyed with suspicion in today’s world when every nation is going through tough economic times. You need to be extra cautious when it comes in connection with online dating. Why would anyone spend time, money and effort to set up an online dating site where a bunch of strangers can have fun? Such sites cannot run on donations or charity. So what is the source of their income? Do they earn revenue through ads displayed on the pages of the site or they start asking for money as soon as you try to use any of the services offered on the site?

If an Online Chinese dating site depends on ads for its sustenance, then their members are nothing more than a number for them. There will be no checks and no filtering which means the site which is free for you to join is also free for scammers, game players and online villains. Your photographs and personal information is accessible to anyone even swindlers. 

Most of the times, such free dating sites have very few real members. Their database is usually filled with photographs of models and actresses, even porn stars which act as a bait. While initiating chat or email contact with an attractive oriental beauty on such sites, you can never be sure who is at the other end. But the real threat is not from the other members but from the administration itself for what’s there to stop them from stealing your Id and personal information and misusing them?

If you are interested in meeting real Chinese women for dating, romance or long term relationship, find a genuine Online Chinese dating website. Only reputable sites who charge a reasonable fee have genuine members and make effort to keep their members safe.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.