Thursday 26 April 2012

Understanding Confucianism And Its Effects On Online Chinese Dating

Confucianism theories and believes have played a pivotal role in influencing the culture and society of China for centuries. While it is still difficult to exactly define the correct meanings of these the theories and philosophies of the great Chinese sage, people have for long being following his teachings in a religious manner and consider them to be a perfect amalgamation of ethics, esthetics, politics, religion and humanism. Consequently, it is only natural for Chinese dating websites to be influenced by the teachings of theories that have been an integral part of the life of most Chinese people for ages.

Most foreigners using online Chinese dating websites tend to misunderstand the Confucian philosophy as they are generally made to believe that these theories are mainly focused on proving the superiority of men over women. However, the fact remains that these teachings were developed in an era when male dominance in China was at its peak and when the people did not give much importance to moral values or obligations. In fact, China as a country was disintegrating not only from outside but from inside as well with the crime and disobedience having become the order of the day. As such it was only natural for these factors to have a deep impact on any theories and philosophies that were developed during this period.

Confucian theories stress not only on the importance of an orderly social arrangement, but also on the nature of relationships between people. These theories focus on the necessity of developing the traits of self-discipline and self-development, humanism and moral rectitude of within every individual. The deep sense of self respect ingrained within the minds of Chinese people is one of the basic sentiments of Confucian philosophy which states that in order to win the respect of others, individual’s first need to learn to respect themselves. In addition, various other qualities of Chinese people which attract people towards Chinese dating sites are a result of following the Confucian philosophy of life.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

How Helpful Chinese Relationship Forums Actually Are

Forums constitute an important part of numerous Chinese dating sites. That is one place where people share their experiences and seek advice from others who “have been there and done that”. In facts, forums are the place that makes people engaged in similar endeavors a community and their significance cannot be undermined.

However, it is not a good idea to spend too much time on these forums talking about every little episode or confrontation between you and the Chinese ladies you’re dating. Trust me, no relationship, online or offline is without its own problems but if you start posting your relationship problems online you will shoot yourself in the foot. With all the different points of views the other forum members reply with, you will simply go crazy.

There is no dearth of stuck-up guys on forums who behave as if they know everything under the sun about Chinese women and go to great lengths to impress upon their ideas on less enlightened souls. However, each Chinese women is unique and quite unlike any other man’s girlfriend or wife. The things that worked for them may not work for you.

Relationships problems while Chinese dating is not uncommon. If you get upset over something, it is best to sleep over it before discussing it with your Chinese girlfriend. You may feel differently about it next day with a clear head.

Never write an email when you are angry. Once you press the “sent” things won’t be same again, ever. Wait until you’ve thought about things and put them in perspective. For more common issues, searching on Google or forums to see what others have to say about the issue is not a bad idea as long as you make up your own mind and not blindly follow what others are saying or doing.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Minimize Scams on Chinese Dating Sites

The idea to have an Asian wife is finding favor among a growing number of men both young and not so young. The only deterrent, sometimes, is the poor reputation for scams and frauds of various Asian and Chinese dating sites. The list of scams rampant on such sites is too long to be mentioned here but staying safe while dating on the internet is not as difficult as it is usually considered. You just need to use your head instead of giving your heart a free-rein.
First of all make sure you use a legitimate Chinese dating site. Check their credentials and look over the sites with an objective mind. Most times, you should be able to discern the quality of the girls and services they offer by the sight of the website itself. In any case, go for a website that offers free membership so that you can sign up and check out other members. Don’t let the half clad ladies in sexy poses lure you into signing up with an unscrupulous site. Check the privacy policy and user interface besides the quality of services and ladies dating there.
Next important thing to learn to is to recognize “shady ladies”. Be wary of Chinese ladies living overseas or those profiles with no photographs. Chinese women who profess their undying love to you in their first email or chat or too within a span of few dates are not the kind of you should be wasting your time with. Any lady on a dating site, who seems too good to be true, is usually not true at all. Don’t dismiss anything that seems out of place.
Enough has been said about female intuition, but its time you learn to trust and use your male intuition. It is absolutely vital that you spare no time and effort to choose the most suitable partner for you, irrespective of the country she comes from.
Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Sunday 22 April 2012

Chinese Dating – The Growing Influence Of Foreign Costumes

Over the past few decades, Chinese society has been under considerable influence of various foreign cultures. Not only has it affected the general lifestyle of the Chinese people in a significant manner but has also changed the manner in which they eat and dress. As such it is quite common for people using various online dating sites to find girls attired in the latest trendy dresses favored back home as well. In fact, a majority of Chinese people today prefer to wear the cool and comfortable western outfits in their everyday life, while still favoring their traditional clothes on special occasions, events and festivals.

Many people also feel that the dwindling use of traditional dresses has a lot to do with the increased use of Chinese dating websites by the natives. They believe that a majority of people adapt foreign costumes in order to assure their western dating partners of their ability to adapt to their social system, lifestyle and way of dressing. Moreover, some people even feel that a majority of Chinese natives using online dating websites tend to wear greater number of western clothes as they feel that it makes them look more attractive and appealing to westerns.

These people believe that even though most westerners frequent the various online dating sites in search of a Chinese mate, they are not attracted towards natives attired in a traditional outfit as they consider such men and women to have no little or no sense of style and have a reserved and orthodox outlook.

However, having said this, it also important to understand that not all people supporting western wear on Chinese dating sites are necessarily frank or unorthodox. In fact, the deep rooted love of Chinese people for their culture and ancient traditions makes them least tolerant of any negativity against it. So while they might have adapted the costumes and way of dressing of their prospective dating partners, most of them continue to take pride in their ancient culture.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Monday 16 April 2012

Tips For Finding The Right Person Through Chinese Dating Sites

Often people using online dating sites to find their perfect partners have preconceived notions about the attitude and personality of the men and women they would be meeting online. This is specifically true for a majority of men using Chinese dating sites to seek their ideal life mate. However, often it is these perceptions and prejudices that become the biggest obstacle in the search for an ideal life partner. Given below are some tips that can help men find their perfect Chinese dating partner in an easy manner.

The most important step towards meeting the right person on a Chinese dating website is to free your mind of all prejudices and speculations. Adapting a positive approach while searching for your ideal mate is the best way to initiate a new relationship.

It is important for men to understand that while having some expectations from a prospective life mate is quite natural, it is equally important to possess willingness to give or go an extra mile if required to sustain the relationship. It is not only important to understand the physical and financial needs of a prospective partner but also to take care of their emotional and intellectual needs and desires.

Most men often lay too much stress on their partners being absolutely honest with them, without realizing the fact that their Chinese dating partners would expect the same from them. As such it is vital for men to make an honest assessment of what they are actually seeking so as not to end up feeling cheated or worse heartbroken.

Accepting the fact that no person is perfect is critical to finding the right person. Men, who start off by assuming Chinese women to be absolutely perfect, are in for great disappointment. On the other hand men, willing to acknowledge the presence of positive as well as negative traits in all humans and accepting their dating partners for what they are tend to be more successful in meeting their ideal mate through Chinese online dating.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Sunday 15 April 2012

Try Online Chinese Dating To Add Zing To Your Love Life

It is quite natural for people to try and seek someone special in their life at some point of time. Even though online dating has become a popular means of meeting and interacting with like-minded persons, a large number of people still rely on the good old method of picking a date from a bar. However, if you are one of those, who have burnt your fingers in real life dating on more than one occasion, then online Chinese dating is a great way of adding spice to your love life.

With countless Chinese dating sites offering innumerable opportunities to meet and interact with gorgeous, well educated and fun loving Chinese females, your chances of finding a perfect life mate are surely multiplied. Not only do Chinese online dating sites help you to choose your better half from amongst the most popular females across the globe, but they actually guide you about how best to win their hearts and make them feel attracted towards you. Given the extremely stringent security measures adopted by reputable online dating sites, meeting and interacting with a woman of your dreams is not only easy but also quite comfortable and relaxing.

The best aspect of using Chinese dating websites to choose your perfect life partner is that these sites provide freedom not only from the various restrictions of real life dating but also from the diverse pressures and stresses associated with the same. People can keep their relationship under wraps as long as they wish to do so and can continue enjoying a non-committed relationship until they meet someone special and are ready to take the plunge. In fact, finding a Chinese girl with the right temperament and attitude becomes easy and fun filled process when a guy is not under any social or emotional pressure.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Friday 13 April 2012

Chinese Dating – Superstitions Associated With New Year

China, one of the most ancient cultures across the globe, is quite well known for its rich traditions and customs. At the same time, like most other ancient cultures, Chinese society is also replete with a variety of myths and superstitions. Even though a majority of young Chinese people do not put much faith in these ancient beliefs, they are still prevalent in most households. For people, intending to use Chinese dating websites, a basic knowledge of these superstitions can go a long way in preventing any misunderstandings or conflicts with their Chinese dating partners. There are some specific superstitions associated with New Year, which most Chinese people adhere to quite religiously.

Most Chinese people abstain from eating meat on the first day of the New Year, as they believe that this will ensure a happy and long life. It is also customary to put away all brooms, brushes, dusters, dust pans, and other equipments used for cleaning on New Year’s eve as using them on New Year’s Day is believed to wipe out good luck from the home. Until the fifth day, the entire dust and rubbish is swept into the middle of the house and then placed into the corners where it must not be tramped over. If people ask their Chinese dating partners why the dust and rubbish is not swept over the threshold, they are informed about it being considered akin to sweeping away a family member.

It is also considered important for people to avoid lending anything on New Year Day and also to pay all debts by this time, as well as abstain from using negative terms, foul language and bad words. Every mention of death and misery is completely prohibited and most people using Chinese dating sites often feel surprised about their dating partners not using the number “four”. This is because in Chinese the sound of number “four” is same as the sound of death and hence is to be avoided at all costs.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Monday 9 April 2012

Facing The Challenge Of Language Barrier During Online Chinese Dating

Irrespective of the fact that the popularity and demand for Chinese dating partners is increasing on the internet, very few people seem to actually succeed in finding a long term dating partner. A major reason for this is that most people desirous of using Chinese online dating sites are neither aware not well-prepared to handle the challenges of meeting and interacting with the native Chinese community. One of the most common challenges that people might need to overcome while finding their ideal dating partner, is the language barrier.

The language barrier is perhaps the biggest and the most misunderstood challenge faced by people using Chinese dating sites. Not many people understand the fact that Chinese language is quite different from other languages used across the globe which makes it extremely difficult to learn and understand. While most people rely on the translator facility provided by major dating sites to interact with their dating partners, they are hardly able to convey the true meaning and intent of a dialog. This is because Chinese language is essentially a symbolic language, meaning that rather than using words and alphabets it uses symbols to communicate a concept or an idea.

What makes the situation even more difficult is the fact that unlike most other South-east Asian countries, Chinese people rarely prefer to use English over their mother tongue. So for people, having serious intentions of using Chinese dating sites to find their perfect life-mate, it is advisable to take a short term course in the language before taking the plunge. Contrary to what many people believe, learning a few simple Chinese words and phrases will not prove much helpful. And while a short term course might not make people perfect in the language, it will enable them to have a strong base to start with. Moreover, quite a few Chinese people might be impressed by the fact that their dating partner took the trouble of learning the basics of their language, making them more trustworthy.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Chinese Dating -_Things That Indicate The Level Of Compatibility With Your Chinese Mate

There can be no denying of the fact that the most important aspect of ensuring a successful relation with a life partner is a high level of compatibility. However, not many people using Chinese dating websites use the right parameters to judge the level of compatibility they have with their dating partners. This consequently leads them to believe that they have found their perfect life partner when in reality their Chinese mate might not be suitable for them at all. Given below are some parameters to judge the level of compatibly that people share with their Chinese online dating partners.
Ease Of Communication: Being able to communicate properly and without any hesitance is the most important factor for determining the level of compatibility between partners. If you are able to discuss almost any topic with your Chinese dating partners, without having to worry about offending them or insulting them, it means that you have found your perfect match.
Feeling Secure And Comfortable: If you don’t feel secure and comfortable in the company of your dating partner, it is an indication that everything is not be fine. Being able to trust your partner to understand you and enjoy your company is vital for establishing a strong relationship with them.
Sharing Similar Views And Interests. While it is nearly impossible for two people to have same views on different issues, for a high level of compatibility, partners need to at least share a similar outlook on most topics. In addition they need to have some common interests which can help them enjoy each others’ company in a better manner.
Sense Of Mutual Love And Respect: Most often couples sharing a high level of compatibility also share a deep sense of love and respect for one another. A large number of people using Chinese dating sites don’t consider these to be important parameters for judging compatibility, and hence end up dating partners who are not suitable for them.
Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Affect of Religion on Chinese Dating

It is a well known fact that spirituality has played a great role in keeping the people of China united as a nation. Despite following diverse religions, Chinese people share some common rituals and beliefs that have eradicated the differences created by abrasive geographical disparities and diverse dialects. As such it is only natural for spirituality to have a deep impact on the Chinese dating rituals and customs, which are followed by them in the virtual world as well.

Most Chinese people believe that it is their strong spiritual inclinations and deep rooted religious beliefs that prevent them from giving greater importance to selfish intentions over the emotions of others. The strong moral values imparted to them through a strictly traditional and religious upbringing, prevents most of these people from exploiting their partners at various Chinese dating sites either emotionally, mentally or physically. Chinese people in general adhere to a set code of moral obligations that are to be followed under all circumstances. It is because of their great spiritual strength that they all especially the Chinese females are able to remain so consistently committed towards their family even in the face of various adversities.

Faith is not taken in a casual manner in China and hence it is quite common for these people to be perfectly clear about their religious preferences and expectation even while using Chinese dating sites. For most Chinese people, religion is not only a constant source of inspiration but a means of enhancing their inner strength and adhering to the path of righteousness. That is why they are so particular about not only learning views and opinions of their dating partners about their religious beliefs and practices but also convincing them about the importance of these customs. Contrary to what many people feel, the younger generation is quite interested in understanding religious and spiritual philosophies of their ancient culture and incorporating them into their everyday lives.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Chinese Dating -_ Do Chinese Ladies Shy Away From A Committed Relationship

Despite the fact that a majority of Chinese women use online dating sites to find a perfect life mate, they rarely enter into a committed relationship quite easily. Most men using Chinese dating websites take this hesitation of the women to be a sign of their unwillingness to share their life with them. In fact, most men feel that rather than looking forward to a committed relationship, as they have been made to believe, these women tend to shy away from such alliances. However, this is quite untrue and given are some reasons responsible for the hesitance of these women for entering into a committed relationship with foreign men.

Fear of Abandonment: There are numerous instances of Chinese females getting ditched by men who they had met through Chinese dating sites and who assured them of their everlasting love. Reading about such stories monger fear and suspicion amongst oriental ladies about the authenticity of the claims of love made by their online dating partners.

Fear of Shifting To A Foreign Land: A majority of foreign men dating Chinese females online, expect their dating partners to move to their native countries once they get into a committed relationship. Despite the fact that Chinese women are of an extremely adjusting nature, the idea of living in a completely new environment without any friend or family other than their dating partner can be quite intimidating and can make them develop cold feet.

Fear of Leaving Their Families Behind: Chinese females are renowned for their deep attachment towards their families. As such they often tend to feel guilty about giving preference to the company of a man they have met on a Chinese dating site, over people they have lived with all their lives.
The above mentioned reasons are primarily responsible for making Chinese women shy away from making a final decision about entering a committed relationship, even when they meet their perfect life mate online.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Monday 2 April 2012

Chinese Dating -_Little Things That Make A Big Difference

Most men feel that just because they are dating Chinese females online, they are not expected to follow the little customs that are so vital while dating women in the real world. However, it is these seemingly insignificant formalities that make all the difference and separate men who are successful in Chinese datingfrom those who fail to make much headway. Given the fact that Chinese females are well known for their affinity for impeccable mannerism and respectful behavior, it is only natural that they expect their partners to behave in a gentlemanly manner.

It is quite common for men using Chinese dating sites to overlook the importance of a proper greeting prior to starting an interaction with their online date, which is really not good for a long lasting relationship. Likewise it is equally important for men to ensure that before they end their interaction they bid farewell to their online date in an appropriate manner. Despite being seemingly insignificant, these small but thoughtful gestures go a long way in projecting the right image of a man in front of his Chinese dating partner. Most Chinese women take the ignorance of these manners as an indication of rude behavior and are quite put off by repeated display of such behavior.

Another common mistake committed by men on Chinese dating websites is to ignore sending small gifts to their dating partners. It is good to remain cautious until you are absolutely sure about the authenticity and intentions of the Chinese female you are dating online. However, no harm can be caused by making arrangements for a bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolates to be delivered to her at her native place. Numerous online Chinese dating sites provide the services of online florists and gift shops to their clients that can deliver in almost all cities of China. Nothing can impress a woman more than a surprise gift or a bunch of her favorite flowers especially from someone who is so far away and yet has taken all the trouble to get it delivered to them.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.