Tuesday 28 February 2012

Chinese Dating and Role of Profile Pictures

While you may breeze through weeding out profiles of women on a Chinese dating site, but when it comes to understanding how to make their own profile stand out from the crowd, most men can do with some help. Accept it or not profile pictures can make or break your dating life online because most women use it to form their first impression about you.

Just as a woman is only as beautiful as her worst photograph, same applies to men as well. So, post only those pictures that show you in the best light. In fact, two really good photos are better than numerous but mediocre photos, any day. Most Chinese women would take a look at the most awful one and decide against mailing you because of it.

What pictures should you post?

So many men don’t think twice before posting group photos or those in which they are with their buddies. With so much competition that you are already facing by the other profiles on the dating site you’re using why add some more in your very own profile picture? If you have ever seen a girl posing with her friends in a picture and thought, “Well, she’s pretty, but her friend is prettier, I wish I could date her instead,” then you will understand that women do that too. Start cropping! Save the pictures that show more of scenery than you for facebook. On a dating site, women are more interested in seeing YOU.


If you think you can post inaccurate/airbrushed pictures and then win over a woman when you meet her in person you are wrong. It will only drive her away, for good.

The “appealing” photograph

At least, one of the pictures you post on Chinese dating site should be “appealing” as the ladies need something to break the ice once they think you’re good-looking. Posting a picture where you are skydiving, posing with your dog, hiking, mountaineering—as they make you different and give them something to talk when they email or chat with you.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? www.OnlineChineseDating.com helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Friday 24 February 2012

Why Profiles with Photographs Get Better Response On Online Dating Sites

Though many of us pretend otherwise, but let's be honest that as guys, looks are important to us whether we are dating online or offline. There is no denying that personality is crucial and character cannot be compromised on, but if you don't miss a heartbeat when you see your partner's face, life expectancy of your relationship is likely to be shorter than Britney Spears marriage.

On any Chinese dating sites, profiles with photographs receive ten times more views and responses than those without, and not without a good reason. Writing to a cyber dater without first finding out what they look like can be tricky. It has happened with guys that their chats and e-mails went without a hitch, the telephone calls lasted for hours, but when they finally either persuaded the girl for a video chat or met her face-to-face, they find themselves staring at someone they won’t be caught dead with. Now comes the real trouble as how to back away without appearing shallow and wussy. It's too early for 'it's not you, it's me' for you have not been really together and with everything else going well, there is practically nothing to blame except looks.

On the other hand, if you don’t upload your own picture along with your profile on an online Chinese dating site, you are missing great girls and numerous dating opportunities every day. Choose the photographs carefully and upload only the latest pictures that show you in a positive but realistic light, and you'll get far more responses to choose from. Keep adding pictures on monthly basis.

Pick a partner with a picture, if possible several pictures and insist on a video chat even before you decide to like her just to ensure that she is the same person whose picture you viewed along with the profile.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? www.OnlineChineseDating.com helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Ensuring Personal Safety And Privacy On Chinese Dating Sites

People interested in dating Chinese women online are often discouraged to do so by the concerns of threat to their safety and privacy. While it would be wrong to deny the fact that online Chinese dating does expose people to the risk of running into the online cheaters and masqueraders, it is really up to the individuals themselves to avoid being victimized by such online criminals. In fact, a majority of people, who are scammed at these dating sites, are the ones who throw caution to wind and overlook the basic rules of online dating. As such it is not really surprising that they easily fall prey to the tricks of scammers.

Most people take it for-granted that having registered with a reliable and secure Chinese dating website frees them from the responsibility of watching their backs. What they fail to understand is that all the security measures set up by a website mean nothing, unless they strictly adhere to the safe dating guidelines provided to them at the time of registration. It is important not be swayed off your feet by the gorgeous looks and sex appeal of a woman and dive headlong into an affair without actually knowing much about her. Most of the times such affairs not only cause people to lose their money, but also their self-confidence and ability to trust others.

The safest approach to Chinese dating is to take time in studying the profiles of the women who seem interesting. Even after starting regular online interaction with them, it is vital not to rush into a relationship unless you feel absolutely certain that she can be trusted and is sincerely interested in a long term alliance. It is also important to always keep your eyes and ears open, even after you have entered into a committed relationship with the woman of your choice. This is because many professional online cheaters take their time in convincing their victims about their sincerity before they rob them financially as well as emotionally.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? www.onlinechinesedating.com helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Friday 17 February 2012

Chinese Dating – Is It Just Another Obsession

The past few years has seen a constant upsurge in the number of people becoming involved in Chinese dating. While a majority of people consider the immense popularity of Chinese females to be a primary reason for this trend, there are others who believe that this is nothing more than an obsession or even an addiction. Such people feel that since most Chinese online dating sites provide access to hundreds and thousands of beautiful Chinese females, men tend to be drawn towards these sites and are then unable to wrench themselves away from online dating.

Unfortunately, such claims hold no water and are just another way of keeping people away from using the Chinese dating sites to find their ideal life mates. Moreover, there is actually nothing wrong in men trying to expand their social network by interacting with gregarious and gracious women on these sites. Given the extremely amicable personalities of Chinese females, it is only natural for men to try and befriend as many of these pretty women as possible. Their companionship not only makes online dating and interaction quite enjoyable and fun filled but also enables men to gain a deeper insight into one of the most ancient cultures across the globe.

Chinese dating sites generally attract western men who are seeking Chinese women for online interaction and even dating with the purpose to find a partner for long term relationship. As such it is also quite common for these men to feel overwhelmed at being able to contact countless pretty Chinese females with just a few mouse clicks. No wonder, it makes them eager to spend extensive hours in the company of these lovely ladies which may give the impression of online dating addiction to onlookers. However, once the initial excitement wears off, it is quite common for men to return to the normal routine of spending no more than a couple of hours in online interactions with their girlfriends.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? www.OnlineChineseDating.com helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Chinese Dating – Three Things That Can Create Problems In Online Relationships

Dating a girl from an entirely different culture is not exactly as easy as taking a walk, and doing it online surely makes things even harder. As such western men intending to use Chinese dating websites to meet their ideal mate, need to be forewarned about the issues that can create problems in their relationships. Discussed below are three of the most prominent of these issues.
  1. The Language Barrier: This is perhaps the biggest difficulty that men face while trying to initiate a strong and long lasting relationship with their Chinese dating partners. Although most dating websites provide the facility of language translators, they are no good at translating the essence and feelings of the people interacting online, which sometimes matters much more than the words. As such men seeking a serious relationship need to make sincere efforts to learn at least the basics of the language.
  2. Difference In Expectations: For most men, who have never dated a Chinese female before, understanding the expectations of these oriental beauties can be really difficult. Even though Chinese females are extremely practical and simple, their expectations from their dating partners can be quite different and in some cases the exact opposite of what western women would want from their mate. This can be quite unsettling at least during the initial phases of the relationship.
  3. No Common References: When men decide to date Chinese women, they are generally unaware of the importance of a common point of reference. As such they tend to feel extremely frustrated when they are not able to discuss their favorite music, shows or talk about the political or social issues of their nations or for that matter discuss their social life with the woman they are dating online. They constantly have to look for topics to discuss that will seem equally interesting to their Chinese dating partner without offending them or causing them distress in any manner.
Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? www.OnlineChineseDating.com helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Advantages Of Interacting With Chinese Females Through Chinese Dating Sites

For ages western men have been fascinated by the stunning beauty and simple personalities of Chinese females. That is why they never let go of an opportunity to interact with them or befriend them. It is this popularity of Chinese women among western men that has caused Chinese dating sites to become so popular in the virtual world. Not only do these sites enable men to meet and date beautiful Chinese females from across the globe but they also offer numerous advantages over real life interaction with these gorgeous ladies. Listed below are just some of the advantages offered by such sites.
  1. Men don’t need to take the trouble of searching for authentic Chinese women at pubs, bars, restaurants or even shopping malls. Chinese dating sites store the profiles of thousands of authentic Chinese females form diverse economic and educational backgrounds.
  2. Most dating sites are meant to help people interact with each other to find friends, romantic partners and even life mates. Since women using these sites are required to describe the type of relationship they would be interested in, in their profiles, men don’t have to worry about whether the Chinese female they are interacting with is willing for a romantic alliance or not.
  3. When it comes to seeking Chinese females in the real world, most men tend to get confused amongst the Japanese, Thai, Korean and Chinese women. This is because these females more or less similar to an outsider, and it is quite difficult to know their nationality just from their looks. However Chinese dating sites solve this problem easily as all women are required to mention their nationality in their profiles.
  4. Another advantage offered by the online dating sites is that they enable men to take their time in choosing their most perfect dating partner. There is no need to rush things and become committed to someone, who is not really compatible for a long term alliance.
Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online?www.OnlineChineseDating.com  helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online  Chinese dating  websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Enjoy Online Chinese Dating This Valentine Day Using The Right Approach

Dating Chinese women at any time of the year is quite thrilling and enjoyable but for most people, interacting with these gorgeous beauties around Valentine day is a memorable experience that remains etched in their minds for a long time. The liveliness and positive attitude of Chinese females makes every moment spent with them on a Chinese dating site worth cherishing by men who crave to enjoy the bliss of their comforting company till eternity. However, to experience such fun and contentment, it is vital for men to approach Chinese women in the right manner for an online date.

Unfortunately, most men tend to behave in a high-headed manner with the women they interact with on the Chinese dating websites. This is because they believe the stories that claim Chinese women to be timid females who generally seek a strong minded partner. However, most Chinese women are neither timid nor do they like to be dominated by their partners. Although they respect their partners immensely and try to look after their every need, they surely do not like to be treated like some sorts of slaves or second class citizens. In fact they want their dating partners to give them the same love and respect that they would shower on any girl from their own culture and community.

Another common mistake committed by men wanting to experience the fun of Chinese dating is to take for-granted that the women they interact with would be willing for a long term relationship. It is common misconception among western men that Chinese women only gun for long term relationships and rarely date casually. Hence men, who date these gorgeous ladies on valentine day, approach them with for a lifelong alliance. However, many Chinese women dating online around Valentine day are generally there to have fun and not willing to enter a committed relationship unless they are exactly sure of the person they are dating.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls 
online?www.OnlineChineseDating.com helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

The Importance Of Choosing A Reliable Chinese Dating Site On Valentine Day

Valentine day is the time when the feelings of love and romance fill all hearts with joy and excitement. While numerous people celebrate the occasion in the company of their beloveds, those who are still single consider it the best occasion to search for their soul mate. With the popularity of Chinese girls as the perfect life mates growing around the globe, it is only natural for most men to initiate their online relationships on this day. However, in the midst of all the festivities and joys, people generally tend to forget the fact that it is also an occasion when the online scammers and cheaters are most active, making it even more imperative to choose a reliable Chinese dating website.

Among the various types of online dating communities Chinese dating has been recognized as not only the most popular but also the most preferred platform for online dating. Although, this has helped numerous men from the west to find their ideal Chinese life mate, it has also attracted the attention of online villains. Given the fact that people tend to be a bit careless on an occasion like Valentine day, such online criminals have a field day. Unfortunately, so many dating sites have neither the technology nor the intention of checking the activities of such people and hence people using such sites run a great risk of losing much more than their money.

Using reliable and trustworthy Chinese dating sites not only ensures greater safety but also helps the members meet people who are genuinely interested in a lasting relationship. Such sites generally enforce stricter policies and regulations on occasions such as Valentine day so as to keep the activities of online cheaters under check. Moreover, they also tend to constantly monitor the activities of the members on this day in order to remain well informed about whether or not they have honest intentions and attitude.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online?www.OnlineChineseDating.com helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Monday 6 February 2012

Valentine Day – A Special Time To Enjoy Chinese Dating

With just a few more days left for Valentine day, the number of people seeking online dating and romance has suddenly increased by significant proportions. Among the most searched sites for online relationships are the Chinese dating sites which are sought not only by the diaspora of this Asian country but millions of people from around the world. The fact that Chinese people are considered to be excessively romantic besides favoring a long term alliance over a casual fling has a lot to do with people being attracted to these oriental dating sites.

Chinese people in general and women in specific are extremely sensitive and emotional. For them, love is just not about sex rather it is a feeling of being involved with a person not only on a physical level but also the mental and emotional level. That is why women using Chinese dating sites to find their perfect dating partner, tend to be so choosy and fussy. This is especially true during the Valentine fortnight when most men seek Chinese females just for fun and flirting without really being interested in them as a person or as a partner for life. Although Valentine day is meant to celebrate the emotion of love, most men consider it a perfect time to seek Chinese females who can fulfill their sexual fantasies.

Prior to getting involved in Chinese dating, especially around Valentine day, men need to be prepared for thorough scrutiny. However, once they are able to assure their Chinese dating partners about their honest intentions and willingness to consider a long term relationship, they no longer need to worry about proving themselves true regularly. Once such a stage has been reached, it enables both the dating partners to enjoy the experience of online dating and interaction in a free and frank manner. This also ensures a strong long term alliance based on mutual love and trust.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online?www.OnlineChineseDating.com helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Chinese Dating Sites – The Best Place To Seek Your True Love On This Valentine Day

Valentine Day is just around the corner and for most people it is the right time to find someone special who can add love and happiness to their lives. Given the extremely busy lifestyle of people in west, it is really not surprising that most of them rely on various online dating websites to find their perfect dating partner. The immense popularity of Chinese girls as the ideal dating partners draws numerous people to Chinese dating websites for meeting and interacting with these gorgeous oriental ladies, especially during the valentine month.

The online dating websites provide a perfect platform to men from across the globe to find authentic Chinese girls for dating and long term relationships. Numerous Chinese girls use these websites not only for fun and romance but also to find their ideal life mate. As such men seeking a life partner on this valentine day surely have great chances of coming across the woman of their dreams while using a reliable and authentic Chinese dating website. Apart from being extremely user friendly, most such websites offer as secure and private environment for people to interact with each other and establish a strong and long lasting relationship.

However, it is vital not to be taken in by the tide of valentine day bargains and discounts offered by certain websites, unless you are absolutely sure of them being really trustworthy. It is important to choose only those dating sites that give preference to the safety and security of their members besides providing the profiles of authentic Chinese females.

Although it is difficult to identify such websites by simply browsing through them, it is a good idea to choose those websites that have been recommended by a regular user. Alternately you can also choose reliable dating sites through another website that reviews the numerous Chinese dating websites and offers honest reviews about their diverse features including the level of safety, user friendliness, membership fees, and provision of dating tips and guidelines, etc.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online?www.OnlineChineseDating.com helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Friday 3 February 2012

Golden Rule Of Online Chinese Dating: Guard thy Password With Thy Life

Online dating especially with Chinese women comes as a breath of fresh air to those who have had to deal with dominating and garrulous girlfriends or wives in the past. Polite and charming, most ladies from land of red dragon are act with dignity and graciousness and if they ever happen to offend you unwittingly they apologize so profusely that you start feeling bad for taking offense in the first place. However, no matter how innocent and harmless a woman may seem to you, never let her persuade you to disclose your password. In fact, I would go to the extent to say that password to your account on the Chinese dating site should not be shared with anyone, not even your best buddy.

A friend of mine, whom I will refer only as J here, recently had a harrowing experience. J is a pleasant enough guy who was dating this really pretty and charming Chinese girl online. They would spend hours chatting with each other every day and when they were not chatting, they were talking on the phone. J was still relatively new to Chinese dating and still mesmerized by the fact the numerous exotically beautiful and attractive girls were interested in chatting with him. So while he was almost sure that his Chinese girlfriend is the woman he wanted to spend his life with, he could not stop himself from responding to the other women.

So when his girlfriend asked him that they should date each other exclusively and gave him her password as a token of trust, he returned the favor without quite realizing what he was doing. That was just the beginning of nightmare. Soon she was reading his chats with other women and worse still, she was mixing up the date when they were supposed to stop dating others. She called him up and gave him earful without giving him a chance to explain himself. The sweet and charming girl he knew was gone. She changed his password making it impossible for him to operate his account and sent offensive messages and mails to all the women friends on his list.

Only after he contacted the webmaster and explained the situation to him, was he able to stop the madness. His loss in terms of goodwill amongst other members was great but he learnt his lesson. And so should you.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? www.OnlineChineseDating.com helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Guidelines For Finding True Love Using Online Chinese Dating Websites

Globalization has been cited as a major reason for promoting the trend of interracial dating. Not surprisingly, the extremely graceful and strikingly beautiful Chinese females are the most popular choice of men choosing to date online. Consequently Chinese dating sites are much more popular than any other dating sites available online. However, dating Chinese women to find true love requires men to follow some basic rules which are listed below.
  1. The most important aspect of dating Chinese females at online Chinese dating websites is to respect them as an individual besides showing regard for their culture. Chinese women are extremely sensitive about this issue and hence it proves to be the most important step towards initiating a successful and long lasting relationship with them.
  2. Parents and family hold the highest priority in the lives of Chinese females and hence foreign men intending date them need to accept them as a part of their life. They need to accept the fact that it is quite normal for the Chinese women to not only seek the advice of their parents in all personal and professional matters but also follow their decisions.
  3. A common mistake made by men using Chinese dating websites to find their true love is to criticize the ancient rituals and traditions followed by Chinese females. Rather than trying to understand their culture by having an open discussion about the same with their Chinese dates, men tend to make fun of the customs and rituals they fail to understand.
  4. While dating Chinese women online, men need to bear in mind the fact that these females belong to a distinct culture and hence might not share their outlook or even approach towards life.
  5. Finally irrespective of what men have heard or read about these oriental beauties, it is important to remember that they are after all human and might have some shortcomings. Expecting them to be perfect is not only foolish but will also ruin any chances of finding true love with them!
Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? www.OnlineChineseDating.com helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.