Thursday 6 September 2012

Dos And Don’ts Of Online Chinese Dating

Online dating is undoubtedly ‘cool’. However, there are certain Do’s and Don’ts that must be followed otherwise you may get into trouble. In this article, we have enlisted few of the most important points of online Chinese dating:

    Be anonymous- This is a must follow rule at the start. It not only protects you, but also gives you adequate opportunities to explore unlimited options.  
    Expect logically- While dating online, some people expect lot more than they actually deserve. With this attitude, they may unintentionally welcome troubles. Therefore, rather than looking for a fairytale type prince/princess, look for someone who is like you, and would love you forever. 
     Be practical- More often than not, it has been seen that, in some cases, individual, just after few chats, start believing that the person they are in love with the person they are talking to! Think practically! How can you be so sure about your relationship with someone you have just met (online). Rather than responding so quickly, take your time. Let your association flourish as relationship, and when the right time will come, acknowledge it. 
     Be yourself- While dating online, always be who you are. Many times, people, while dating online hide facts about themselves. Whether you have lied about social status, age, designation, financial potential, family, or anything else for that matter, it may bring problems to you, if you actually get into a relationship with that person. Therefore, keeping the possibility of relationship in future, you should be yourself while dating online.
    Do not answer questions, you are not comfortable with- When you date online, everyone is a stranger to you. When you talk to anyone, they will ask more & more question, in order to know you. While answering those questions, will improve the possibility of an association between you and the other person, it is still advisable to not answer question, you are not comfortable with (like question associated to your past, family, bank details, etc).  
    Do not let anyone offend you- While some of the people you date will be nice and elegant, there will be others, who could be naughty. They may come up with statements that, according to them, are genuine, but offending to you. You must immediately give a negative reaction to such statements.  
    Avoid giving personal info- No matter what happens, do not share your personal details (like residential/official address, bank account number, etc)
If you are looking ahead to Chinese dating (online), then you must log on to

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