Tuesday 31 January 2012

Chinese Dating For Commitment Oriented Relationships

It has happened to many people. They just get busy in pursuing higher studies, building careers or taking up foreign assignments that before they know they are on the wrong side of thirty and still single. The only opportunities that come their way lead to short flings, one night stands and sexual escapades. Every pretty and nice girl you know is already married or in a relationship, some even have kids and are divorced. Getting a date who is interested in a long term relationship is not easy anymore. But before you resign yourself to dating single mothers or divorcees or worse remain single all your life, why not give online Chinese dating a chance?

Even though online dating has been around for a reasonably long time, it is quite natural for people to question its effectiveness in finding long term partners especially if they have not dated online before. The answer would be yes and no. much depends on the Chinese dating site you choose. If you go for free dating site with pictures of nubile girls posing in various stages of undress, you are more likely to get scammed than find a genuine partner for a long term relationship. If a site is free for you it is also free for con artists, scammers, frauds, psychopaths and villains looking to steal your ID.

If you're looking for meaningful relationships that would hopefully lead to the altar, you need to register with reputable dating site that not only feature genuine Chinese girls but also proactive about keeping their site safe from scammers. There are a few Chinese dating web sites which help you get in touch with single women looking for long term relationships or commitment oriented relationships. The good news is that it costs very little to become a member and create your profile on these web sites. However, you need patience and some working before you get positive results.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? www.OnlineChineseDating.com helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Monday 30 January 2012

Online Chinese Dating For Divorcees

Divorce is not a happy occasion for most people. No matter how they choose to justify it later, break down of a relationship that they once built with so much love is never an easy thing to bear. It fills you with self-doubts and your confidence takes a beating. You require oodles of inner strength, patience, time and a large helping of self esteem to get over the trauma. Instead of wallowing in misery or self-recrimination, the best thing to do is to focus on what you still have- a supporting family or friends circle, a rewarding career etc. and look ahead.

Opening yourself to love again is also a part of letting go of the past and moving on. While you may not find love soon, dating again is the first step in this direction. Exposing your inners self to someone and be vulnerable again can be a daunting task. Under such circumstances, online Chinese dating presents a very good option. You can spend a lot of time just chatting and getting to know the women without any pressure of making a commitment, unless you are truly ready for it.

However, it is likely that being married or living in with your partner has rusted your dating skills. But don’t let this dissuade you from taking chances. A positive approach coupled with the resolve to make it work for you is all you need at the moment. Don’t let the shadows of your past influence your chances of happiness in future. You can’t possibly find success in Chinese dating unless you are willing to trust your own self and the women you are dating for a loving relationship.

It is best to stay away from dating scene until you feel complete as a person again. And when you do start dating, keep it light without getting bogged down with the commitment issues and other serious stuff. Enjoy your single status and soak in the pleasures of mutual attraction and uncomplicated relationship until you are sure you have met the right woman.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? www.OnlineChineseDating.com helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Sunday 29 January 2012

Chinese Dating For Over 40

You leave work in the evening and head towards the store to buy groceries. There is still dinner to be cooked, clothes to be picked from cleaner and the dog walked before you finish pending assignments from your work and go to bed early because you have to get up early to reach the work in time. Does your typical evening look somewhat like the scenario I just described? Are you nodding your head in agreement? What the heck, who has the time for dating?

Whether you are divorced, widowed or never been married, taking time out for dating is not the only issue. There are kids, exes, social expectations and above all problem of finding women who excite you or whom you can trust. It is very likely that your social circle does not have many single women. The best thing under the circumstances is to sign up for online Chinese dating.

Now, internet dating is something that does not demand a lot of your time or money. In fact, you can do it in pajamas right from your living room at a fraction of money you would otherwise spend on taking a girl out. It is a lot of fun because you can chat with many women, young and old, pretty, intelligent, over-the-top, polite, in short every sort. But you need to be careful both in your choice of Chinese dating site you register with and the women you choose to date online.

Web dating is not always what it seems. People exaggerate their good points and down play their shortcomings. They solicit financial aid and lie about it. Choice of the dating site plays important role because reputable sites are proactive about keeping their domain free from scammers. Moreover, they make an effort to warn their members about impending dangers and educate them about staying safe while having a great time.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? www.OnlineChineseDating.com helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Friday 27 January 2012

Handling Break-Ups In Chinese Dating

Getting dumped is not a good feeling. In fact, it can be very tough to get life back on track after that as you feel you are a loser and doubt everything about you. Your confidence goes for a toss and you cannot stop thinking what went wrong and how you could have prevented the inevitable. However, break-ups are inseparable part of online Chinese dating. People feel attracted and date a few times till one of them meet someone who is closer to his/her ideal partner. One is ready to move on while other wants to stay put. If you are going through the similar experiences then it might help to know that thousands have experienced it before you.

While you cannot change the facts, changing your perspective towards the break-up might make you feel better and help you get on with life and Chinese dating without any prejudice or malice against Chinese women.

First thing that you should get straight in your mind is that this break-up is not a reflection on you and your personality. There is limited time and incredibly large number of people to sift through as you search for an ideal partner. It is not unusual for people to date several people at the same time. While you may be dating her exclusively and developing feelings for her, she might be having several online dates. When a break-up happens, just wish her good luck and move on. It was not your day and time but it does not mean you won’t meet a lovely lasso who is made just for you.

Every failure as well as every break-up is a lesson that teaches you something about you and how you should handle relationships and dates with Chinese women. Every time you bow out gracefully and move on, you grow stronger and self-reliant which is a very attractive characteristic indeed.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? www.OnlineChineseDating.com helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Trust Your Gut Feeling in Chinese Dating

Online Chinese dating is not just a way to date and spend time with pretty women when you can’t find a date on a weekend, it is a valid and fun way of finding partners for long term relationships. The best thing about online dating is that you can focus on the personal qualities of a person before the affect of physical attraction kicks in. You can actually spend more time talking and finding out more about a woman to see if she is the right person for you which is not always possible when dating in real life.

How do you pick the girls for date on a Chinese dating site? Do you just look at their pictures or spend time reading their profile information too? How does one cross check the information provided? These are all valid concerns if you are dating with the intention of finding partner for a long term relationship.

Pleasant and appealing looks of any person are important especially when you are looking around for a date. But you can never be sure about if the picture belongs to the person you are chatting online until you have had several video- chat with her. Same is true for the profile information. Until you have had several dates with her and discussed issues that are important to you and matched her replies with the information she has given in her profile, you can’t possibly know if she means what she has written there.

Once you get comfortable with chatting with each other online, moving on to telephone calls should be considered. Typing on the chat window is one thing but talking on the phone is another. You can get the feel of another person when you talk to them. Be the first one to call and use a public phone for calling. The only rule is that there are no rules. Gut feeling is what you should rely on.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? www.OnlineChineseDating.com helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

When Not to Opt For Chinese Online Dating

Who does not want to date stunning oriental girls and chat with them for hours? Mild, pleasant and witty, Chinese girls not only make fantastic dates but also equally amazing long term partners. However, let’s admit the fact that online Chinese dating is not for everyone. No matter what a guy thinks or feels about the feline beauty of China dolls, certain characteristics, attitude and personality traits prevent him from finding success in Chinese dating.
Though most westerners seem to be impressed by Chinese culture but deep down most of them don’t really know or understand much about it. If you are a person who is too attached with American traditions or deeply in love with whatever culture you belong to, with only a passing curiosity for Chinese women and culture then maybe you should give Chinese dating a miss. Living with a Chinese partner, while you are not comfortable with the idea of adapting to a foreign culture which is diagonally opposite to yours, is simply not feasible.
If you are a materialist who believes that money can buy you everything including love then Chinese dating is not for you. Don’t for a moment think that Chinese women dislike money or rich men but any guy who blatantly displays his wealth on a dating site and thinks that being moneyed is sufficient to find a girlfriend, usually ends up attracting scammers and gold diggers. No decent girl would agree for a long term relationship with a bloke who is trying to buy her love. Don’t tell a Chinese girl what she stands to gain if marries you but make her feel special when you are dating and she is yours forever.
Anyone who is not comfortable with dating numerous girls on a dating site should stay away from Chinese dating. It is likely that you will like a girl, date her for a while then break off with her, date several more but at the end of month have nothing to speak of. Will you be hurt, angry, or feel betrayed or suffer from low self esteem? Dating many girls until you find the right one is the only way to search for your true love online or otherwise. There are no alternatives and no shortcuts. Period.
Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? www.OnlineChineseDating.com helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.