Tuesday 24 January 2012

Trust Your Gut Feeling in Chinese Dating

Online Chinese dating is not just a way to date and spend time with pretty women when you can’t find a date on a weekend, it is a valid and fun way of finding partners for long term relationships. The best thing about online dating is that you can focus on the personal qualities of a person before the affect of physical attraction kicks in. You can actually spend more time talking and finding out more about a woman to see if she is the right person for you which is not always possible when dating in real life.

How do you pick the girls for date on a Chinese dating site? Do you just look at their pictures or spend time reading their profile information too? How does one cross check the information provided? These are all valid concerns if you are dating with the intention of finding partner for a long term relationship.

Pleasant and appealing looks of any person are important especially when you are looking around for a date. But you can never be sure about if the picture belongs to the person you are chatting online until you have had several video- chat with her. Same is true for the profile information. Until you have had several dates with her and discussed issues that are important to you and matched her replies with the information she has given in her profile, you can’t possibly know if she means what she has written there.

Once you get comfortable with chatting with each other online, moving on to telephone calls should be considered. Typing on the chat window is one thing but talking on the phone is another. You can get the feel of another person when you talk to them. Be the first one to call and use a public phone for calling. The only rule is that there are no rules. Gut feeling is what you should rely on.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? www.OnlineChineseDating.com helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

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