Tuesday 24 January 2012

When Not to Opt For Chinese Online Dating

Who does not want to date stunning oriental girls and chat with them for hours? Mild, pleasant and witty, Chinese girls not only make fantastic dates but also equally amazing long term partners. However, let’s admit the fact that online Chinese dating is not for everyone. No matter what a guy thinks or feels about the feline beauty of China dolls, certain characteristics, attitude and personality traits prevent him from finding success in Chinese dating.
Though most westerners seem to be impressed by Chinese culture but deep down most of them don’t really know or understand much about it. If you are a person who is too attached with American traditions or deeply in love with whatever culture you belong to, with only a passing curiosity for Chinese women and culture then maybe you should give Chinese dating a miss. Living with a Chinese partner, while you are not comfortable with the idea of adapting to a foreign culture which is diagonally opposite to yours, is simply not feasible.
If you are a materialist who believes that money can buy you everything including love then Chinese dating is not for you. Don’t for a moment think that Chinese women dislike money or rich men but any guy who blatantly displays his wealth on a dating site and thinks that being moneyed is sufficient to find a girlfriend, usually ends up attracting scammers and gold diggers. No decent girl would agree for a long term relationship with a bloke who is trying to buy her love. Don’t tell a Chinese girl what she stands to gain if marries you but make her feel special when you are dating and she is yours forever.
Anyone who is not comfortable with dating numerous girls on a dating site should stay away from Chinese dating. It is likely that you will like a girl, date her for a while then break off with her, date several more but at the end of month have nothing to speak of. Will you be hurt, angry, or feel betrayed or suffer from low self esteem? Dating many girls until you find the right one is the only way to search for your true love online or otherwise. There are no alternatives and no shortcuts. Period.
Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? www.OnlineChineseDating.com helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

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