Saturday 31 March 2012

Chinese Dating - Gaining The Attention Of Right People

Often, people using Chinese dating sites pretend to possess qualities and traits that the members of opposite sex generally desire from their dating partners. However, such tactics are definitely not the best way to attract the attention of someone when you are looking for a suitable life mate. In fact, the best way to find the most suitable dating partner is to be yourself without pretending to possess traits that may be popular, but you don’t have.

A number of people feel that to attain success in Chinese dating, they need to display extreme confidence, sense of humor and authority. However, this is not entirely true as a majority of Chinese people using online dating sites understand that dating a complete stranger from an entirely different community tends to make even the most self-assured people a bit nervous. In addition, they would rather like their dating partner to treat them with respect and as an equal than push them around. Chinese people are intelligent enough to know that every human being possesses distinct qualities and drawbacks and it is almost impossible to find someone who fulfills the entire criterion they might seek in a perfect partner.

Generally, when people using Chinese dating sites, try to assume a personality that is actually not their own, they are bound to fail in forming a long lasting relationship. This is because most genuine people don’t feel comfortable in suppressing their true nature just to impress someone they might have developed a liking for and unable to keep the pretense for long. Besides making them feel trapped in a false identity, they also feel guilty about cheating their dating partners. So in order to avoid ending up with a broken heart, it is advisable to present your true self through your dating profile. While this might increase the time taken to find the right partner, it will ensure that you attract the attention of the girls who are just perfect for you.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Friday 30 March 2012

Why Western Men Outnumber Western Women In Seeking Chinese Dating Partners

Traditionally, when people think about Chinese dating, they tend to conjure up images of western men seeking a Chinese female for dating, romance and even long term relationships. With the high level of negative publicity that Chinese men are exposed to on various dating sites, it is only natural that western women might avoid dating them. Moreover, the internet is full of examples of such couples that have failed to maintain their alliance for long. Despite the fact that there are numerous examples of failed relationships between western men and Chinese females as well, the attraction between two is far from getting over.

When it comes to online dating, Chinese men are as much subjected to injustice and prejudice as the western females. Although, these men might have some drawbacks, they surely are not the epitome of cruelty, infidelity and insensitivity as they are projected on various Chinese dating sites. In fact there are numerous inter-continental relationships between western females and Chinese men that are as successful as the ones between Chinese females and western men. This is because most of these relationships are based on mutual love and respect and understanding of the fact that both the partners involved are after all human and therefore cannot be absolutely perfect.

Another, major factor that might contribute towards the lesser number of relationships between Chinese men and western females is the general attitude of women towards relationships. A majority of females across the globe tend to date and romance men from within their own culture as it make them feel more secure. However, with the differences of time and distance dissolving due to easy means of communication and transportation and the enhanced level of exposure to other cultures and societies, women today are more willing to move out of their comfort zone to experiment and seek a partner in the land of red dragon.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Don’ts of Online Chinese Dating for Safe and Fun filled Experience

Dating may be a ritual whose purpose is to find the mate who is best suited for us, but the fact is that most of us look forward to a delightful time when we are dating. Online or offline, dating should not only allow you to have a good time but also make you aware about the personality and character of the other person. Don’t forget, when you are dating online, women watch your words very carefully and base their judgment about you on them. So there are certain things that are complete no no in Chinese dating and talking about sex in initial chats or mails is one of them..
Most women believe that men have little on their minds besides sex and if latest scientific research is to be believed, their misgiving is not entirely baseless. However, anyone who wants to go beyond chatting online with lovely ladies of the east, not hinting at or talking about sex would be a better idea especially if you don’t know them well.
While it is true that Chinese women are not normally known for initiating a conversation about sex, if the one dating you talk about sex, consider that a green signal. I would still suggest that your comments be very well thought out so as not to be taken as offensive or suggestive.
In case a aggressive sexual dialogue with a woman is what you have in mind there are plenty of "adult" oriented sites that offer such content. Don’t waste your time on Chinese dating sites then as most women here are looking for a long term partner and not a raunchy date.
Word of caution- we may be a bunch of macho men, but it is no excuse to throw all caution to air. Don’t jump headlong in something you don’t know and understand. Play it cool and stay safe. Getting involved in a real-life fatal attraction is the last thing you would ever want.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Chinese Dating Sites – Caution Is The Key To Happiness

In the modern times, online dating has become a common means of not only finding potential romantic partners but also to find some of the best and truly interesting friends. Although the internet is flooded with numerous types of dating sites, Chinese dating websites are undoubtedly the most popular ones. However, it is really sad that not all people choosing to use these sites actually understand the true concept of dating the beautiful ladies of China. In fact a majority of men consider these dating sites to be some sort of a fantasy play land where they can easily coax these oriental ladies into fulfilling their myriad sexual desires.

It is quite common for people to accuse the Chinese females of trying to take advantage of them in various ways. However, the converse is also equally true as the Chinese dating websites are often swamped by men who seek these eastern beauties with the single aim of taking them to bed as soon as possible. They are rarely concerned with the emotional aspect of becoming involved in a relationship with these pretty women. In several cases are even known to pretend to be sincerely in love with them just to convince them to have sex with them when they ultimately turn up to meet them.

But there is still hope for Chinese women as a large number of men using Chinese dating websites actually want to find a partner for life. It just that Chinese females need to exert a great level of caution in not only choosing genuine dating partners but also in getting emotionally involved with them. At the same time they need to be a bit more outspoken and frank so that they are able to ascertain the actual intentions of their dating partners quite early on in the relationship. This can help them avoid a lot of heartache as in case they do not feel right confident about the man they are dating, they can call off the relationship immediately.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Friday 23 March 2012

Guidelines For Using Online Chinese Dating Websites Without Facing Security Risks

With the number of online Chinese dating sites increasing with each passing day, the chances of people encountering dishonest and opportunist netizens is also increasing proportionately. This makes it even more imperative for men and women using such dating websites to find their ideal mates, to follow the guidelines that can help t o keep them safe from the clutches of various online criminals. Given below are some of these extremely important guidelines.
It is vital never to ignore the importance of being honest in everything you do and say while using Chinese dating websites. This not only keeps your conscience clear but also enables you to have a clear perception about the intentions and feelings of the people you date, making it easier to detect cheaters and masqueraders.

In case you are not quite young and receive undue attention from someone claiming to be quite young, it is important to never let your guard down at least until your first face-to-face interaction with that person. Also beware of people, who do too much of sweet talking, or are too eager to please you or do not shy away from asking small favors even in the initial phases of the relationship.
While it is necessary to provide correct information to your online dating partner, it is not necessary to give them all information at once. This is especially true about information that might prove vital to your personal safety and security such as your contact address, your financial assets and even any valuable items or artifacts that you might be in possession of.

It is important not to forever go on believing the excuses that your Chinese dating partner might give for not being able to interact through video chat or postponing the date of your first personal interaction. Even though most such excuses might seem extremely realistic or even practical but at the end of the day they are nothing more than perfectly formed lies.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Online Chinese Dating – The Best Option For Lonely Hearts

If you are one of those countless men who at the end of a working day don’t feel like returning to the loneliness of your homes, it is time you try Chinese dating. In this fast paced world people are involved in an unending race against time in order to make more money and secure their future. This leaves them with little time to enjoy their present with things that are cornerstone of life such as love, romance and relationships. Consequently the number of lonely hearts seeking companionship and comfort in the autumn of their life is growing with each passing day.
For most such people, online Chinese dating presents a perfect solution to their woes of loneliness and isolation. The various online dating sites enable them to meet and interact with hundreds and thousands of pretty Chinese ladies whose caring attitude and pleasing personalities make them feel alive and happy. These women are rarely engaged in the mad rush for name and fame at the cost of ignoring their loved ones. So despite being quite ambitious and enjoying successful careers, they make sure to take time out to interact with their online dating partners, no matter how tired or busy they are.
Even a few minutes spent in the company of these oriental beauties through Chinese dating sites, makes most men feel refreshed and revived for a grueling day ahead. The positive energy possessed by these females inspires even their online dating partners to handle the difficulties and challenges they face in a calm and confident manner. Whether men enjoy a friendly, romantic or a long term relationship with the Chinese women, they are sure to find every moment spent with them truly, peaceful, fulfilling and satisfactory.
This is the reason that makes Chinese online dating sites so popular among men from around the world. These ladies are the perfect choice for lonely men, who seek a companion who can not only offer them unconditional love and care but also make their lives meaningful and worth living.
Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Monday 19 March 2012

What Makes Chinese Dating A Slow And Time Consuming Process

A common concern voiced by foreigners using Chinese dating sites to find their perfect partners is that it is an extremely slow and time consuming process. While it does not make dating Chinese females less exciting or have any negative impact on the popularity of these oriental ladies, it would definitely help men to know why the process actually takes so much time.
Firstly it is extremely important to be aware of the truth that Chinese dating is governed by an entirely different set of rules and moralities as compared to dating in other parts of the world. Chinese people rarely date for fun as they don’t believe in taking any relationship between a man and a woman lightly. As such it is quite against their temperament to date someone online just pass their time or for fun only.

For most Chinese people, especially women, every relationship initiated on an online dating site is done with the intention of turning it into a lifetime alliance. That is why they take a lot of time to respond to the messages of prospective dating partners. In fact not many of them are willing to date more than one person at a time even online and only when they feel that their partner is not serious enough or that he might not be the right one to spend their entire life with, do they seek other dating partners.

Even after having responded positively to the dating request of a Chinese dating website member, these ladies rarely start conversing with them in a free and frank manner. This is because they want to ensure that the person they are interacting with is worthy of their love and trust and judging this can take anywhere between a few weeks to a couple of months or even more. Hence, it is extremely important to exhibit extreme patience using Chinese online dating sites.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Friday 16 March 2012

Chinese Dating -_Things That Make Women Better Than Men

When it comes to Chinese dating sites, women are quite evidently more popular than men. This is not only because they are extremely beautiful and attractive but also because they possess numerous traits that are not easily found in Chinese men. Given below are some qualities that are responsible for popularizing these women in the virtual world.
They Are Decent And Polite: Unlike their male counterparts most Chinese females using online Chinese dating sites are extremely well behaved and polite. Despite their high education and professional success, they rarely possess that attitude of know-it-all and in fact behave in the most modest manner in the presence of their dating partners.
They Are Quite Intelligent: Long gone are the days when Chinese females were considered to be dumb and unintelligent. Today these women have proved their intelligence by achieving phenomenal success in not only diverse professions but also have shown a knack for being successful in business and politics.
They Have Great Moral Values: One of the major reasons that draw people towards Chinese dating sites is the sense of morality of possessed by most Chinese females. An average woman has great respect and regard for the elderly and is not easily convinced about treading the path of sin no matter how tempting or exciting it might seem. The firm belief in the existence of a supreme power who keeps an account of all the actions of human beings, refrain most Chinese women from causing intentional, hurt, harm or injury to fellow humans.
They Are Extremely Faithful And Dedicated: It is not very common for Chinese females to take relationships casually and they try their best to sustain even long distance relationship with same zeal and fervor. Their commitment towards their loved ones surpasses all the other emotions and they would easily make any sacrifice if it helps their family, friends or partners.
Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Monday 5 March 2012

Chinese Dating – Is It Worth The Effort

Different people choose online dating for different purposes and hence come out having different experiences of the same. While some find online dating to be quite dull and boring and a complete waste of time and energy, others consider it to be a truly fun-filled and enjoyable experience. Most people using Chinese dating websites for the first are generally full of expectations that they develop after going through the various write-ups and blogs about the pretty Chinese ladies flooding the internet. However, most of these expectations are never fulfilled leaving such people disappointed and even angry.

Most often the first few days and weeks on even the best Chinese dating websites can be quite dull. This is especially true for people who have just started using these sites as they tend to be extremely confused about right way of contacting the members they might find interesting. Moreover, even if they do send across a few invitations or hello mails, they might have to wait for a considerable period of time prior to getting a positive response from someone interesting enough. Irrespective of what all people have read about the right online dating practices and methodologies, they might actually not feel quite confident about using them practically for the first few times.

However, giving up is surely not the best idea. People just need to remember that perfecting the art of online dating is a continuous process. They can master this skill only by practicing it constantly without feeling bogged down by the idea of being rejected or even cheated. Once they get the knack of interacting on the Chinese dating websites, they are sure to come across numerous interesting people who would make all the time and effort invested in learning the process seem quite worthwhile. However, at the same time it is also important not to become too overwhelmed by the pleasing personalities of Chinese people and become careless while enjoying the company of some of the most fascinating2 people across the globe.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Saturday 3 March 2012

The General Outlook Of Native Parents Towards Chinese Dating

In the past few years China has undergone numerous changes in terms of its social setup and attitude towards females. While girls in general, have been granted greater independence, the parents still tend to be extremely protective about the kind of company they keep and even when and whom they date. The widespread use of internet has enabled young Chinese females to use Chinese dating sites for not only fun and romance, but also to find partners for life. However, these girls are often morally bound by certain set criterion that their parents want them to follow as far dating is concerned. Listed below are the things that provide a general idea of the outlook of Chinese parents towards dating.

Chinese parents are extremely obsessed with the idea of ensuring the best education to their kids. As such they expect their kids also to work extremely hard in order to get enrolled in the best schools and educational institutions. Hence in most Chinese households, dating for children who are still in their high school is totally prohibited. In fact, most Chinese parents enforce strict discipline to ensure that their children focus completely on their education during this stage.

In contrast to their views about dating in high school, Chinese parents consider it vital for them to date while they are in college. This is perhaps the reason why some of the most active participants on Chinese dating sites are youngsters who have just started college.

When their kids come of age, Chinese parents expect their children to date only the person who is right to be their partner for life. Girls are often advised to seek dating partners who are financially well settled and can buy them a house. On the other hand, boys intending to use Chinese dating sites to find the ideal partners are advised to first stabilize their financial position and buy a house and car and then seek their mate through online dating.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Thursday 1 March 2012

How Chinese Women Rate Foreign Men Using Chinese Dating Sites

While it is a well known fact that men across the globe feel a natural attraction towards Chinese women, it is also common knowledge that most people using Chinese dating sites tend to harbor certain pre-conceived notions about these females. On the other hand not many people are aware that the same holds true for Chinese women as well. In fact it is quite common for these women to choose a foreign mate for online dating based on their outlook about the country of their origin. Listed below are some common perceptions harbored by oriental ladies about some major foreign countries and their people.

Britain: Despite the fact that Hong Kong, the last colony of Britain, has been united with China for more than 15 years, Chinese females generally consider the British men to be imperialistic and aggressive. They feel that British men using Chinese dating sites exhibit traits that suggest a considerable decline in their gentlemanly behavior.

Germany: The general impression about Germany as a country among the Chinese women is that of a rigorous nation. Chinese females by and large consider German men to be technically well advanced, hard working and disciplined, even though they find them a bit stubborn about certain issues.

France: Like in the other parts of the world, Chinese ladies also consider France to be the hub of fashion and romance. Most of them feel that most French men are addicted to women and wine and love to spend their life in style and luxury. It is also a common perception that these men tend to be extremely proud and swanky.

Italy: For most Chinese females Italy is a country that has an abundance of both crime and beauty. A large number of females avoid dating Italian men on Chinese dating sites for the fear of becoming unknowingly associated with the Mafia. However, these women also hold great reverence for the ancient art and culture of the great Roman Empire.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.