Saturday 3 March 2012

The General Outlook Of Native Parents Towards Chinese Dating

In the past few years China has undergone numerous changes in terms of its social setup and attitude towards females. While girls in general, have been granted greater independence, the parents still tend to be extremely protective about the kind of company they keep and even when and whom they date. The widespread use of internet has enabled young Chinese females to use Chinese dating sites for not only fun and romance, but also to find partners for life. However, these girls are often morally bound by certain set criterion that their parents want them to follow as far dating is concerned. Listed below are the things that provide a general idea of the outlook of Chinese parents towards dating.

Chinese parents are extremely obsessed with the idea of ensuring the best education to their kids. As such they expect their kids also to work extremely hard in order to get enrolled in the best schools and educational institutions. Hence in most Chinese households, dating for children who are still in their high school is totally prohibited. In fact, most Chinese parents enforce strict discipline to ensure that their children focus completely on their education during this stage.

In contrast to their views about dating in high school, Chinese parents consider it vital for them to date while they are in college. This is perhaps the reason why some of the most active participants on Chinese dating sites are youngsters who have just started college.

When their kids come of age, Chinese parents expect their children to date only the person who is right to be their partner for life. Girls are often advised to seek dating partners who are financially well settled and can buy them a house. On the other hand, boys intending to use Chinese dating sites to find the ideal partners are advised to first stabilize their financial position and buy a house and car and then seek their mate through online dating.

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