Thursday 29 March 2012

Don’ts of Online Chinese Dating for Safe and Fun filled Experience

Dating may be a ritual whose purpose is to find the mate who is best suited for us, but the fact is that most of us look forward to a delightful time when we are dating. Online or offline, dating should not only allow you to have a good time but also make you aware about the personality and character of the other person. Don’t forget, when you are dating online, women watch your words very carefully and base their judgment about you on them. So there are certain things that are complete no no in Chinese dating and talking about sex in initial chats or mails is one of them..
Most women believe that men have little on their minds besides sex and if latest scientific research is to be believed, their misgiving is not entirely baseless. However, anyone who wants to go beyond chatting online with lovely ladies of the east, not hinting at or talking about sex would be a better idea especially if you don’t know them well.
While it is true that Chinese women are not normally known for initiating a conversation about sex, if the one dating you talk about sex, consider that a green signal. I would still suggest that your comments be very well thought out so as not to be taken as offensive or suggestive.
In case a aggressive sexual dialogue with a woman is what you have in mind there are plenty of "adult" oriented sites that offer such content. Don’t waste your time on Chinese dating sites then as most women here are looking for a long term partner and not a raunchy date.
Word of caution- we may be a bunch of macho men, but it is no excuse to throw all caution to air. Don’t jump headlong in something you don’t know and understand. Play it cool and stay safe. Getting involved in a real-life fatal attraction is the last thing you would ever want.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

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