Thursday 31 May 2012

Stay Safe And Have A Great Time in Chinese Dating

Let’s face the fact, that picking a girl for a date on an online dating site is as much fraught with hazard as picking a girl from a bar, if not more. But dating is, after all, dating and spending time on a Chinese dating site with lovely and pleasant girls is much fun. For safe and fun filled online dating, keep the below mentioned things in mind:

  1. Unless you are aware about your wants and expectations from a relationship, it would take you a long time along with much heartbreak to find what you are looking for. Be honest with yourself and save yourself as well as others precious time and trouble.
  2. By being discreet on social networking or dating site, you look after your own interests but discretion and lying are two different things. Be honest when you filling out profile info and posting photographs.
  3. While you may be entirely honest in your dealings, there are others who are not. People you must watch out on a Chinese dating site are those who seem too good to be true. It is best to trust your instincts and not overlook anything that looks suspicious and out of place.
  4. One good thing about meeting and relating online is that you can get to know each other gradually and later choose whether to pursue the relationship in the offline world or not. Don’t feel obligated to meet anyone, regardless of your level of online intimacy, unless you are sure about it.
  5. A phone call can tell a lot about a person so before you decide to meet talk to your online date on phone. Call from a public phone and give your phone number only when you feel completely comfortable.
  6. Never dismiss odd behavior without giving it due consideration. Watch out for sudden flared up anger, intense frustration or attempts to pressure or control you as much as to a passive-aggressive manner, demeaning or disrespectful comments.
Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Chinese Dating And The Concept Of Chinese Virgin Complex

A lot of western men using Chinese dating sites often feel exasperated by the fact that they are not able to hold a free and frank discussion about sex with their dating partners. This is because they are raised in an environment where people consider sex to be a natural phenomenon in the life of individuals, and hence do not shy away from talking about it without feeling embarrassed. However, sex within the Chinese societies is considered to be an extremely private and intimate affair, and hence is not a topic for open discussion, especially when it comes to talking about the sexual experience of women.

According to traditional Chinese customs, virginity was considered to be the most important virtue of a female in order to get married. This concept, which is also referred to as the “Chinese virginity concept” made it necessary for Chinese females to remain pure and untouched until the day of their marriage. Consequently a women believed to have been involved in sexual alliances prior to her marriage was considered worthless and deficient and hence unsuitable for marriage. With the ancient Chinese society being clearly male dominated, the same rule was however not applicable to men who could indulge in any number of sexual relationship before and even after marriage. It is in keeping with this custom that men making enquiries related to the sexual life of their Chinese dating partners is not considered polite or even reasonable.

Despite the significant changes in the attitudes of both men and women within the Chinese society in the past couple of decades, the tradition concept of virginity is still prevalent in this eastern society. So while these oriental men are a lot more tolerant towards the use of online Chinese dating sites by their future wives, they are not too comfortable with the idea of their having explored any type of sexual relationships. For most Chinese men, the idea of perfect woman is still related to her virginity and sexual experiences.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Why Spreading Yourself Thin For Chinese Dating Won’t Work for You

Once you manage to put an interesting profile info and attractive profile picture together, having too many women to correspond would be your next headache. I know guys, you must be wondering what man won’t like being chased by beautiful exotic women. Simply because being chased by too many won’t get you the results you want. Let’s say, you are approached by about 55-70 women after they saw your profile on a Chinese dating site. Now if you were to start answering all of them then you won’t be doing anything else for a long time. Moreover, you will forget what who is who and what you told them about you.
While being polite and answering ladies who took the trouble to write you is a good thing, it is certainly not something that I would recommend you. I suggest, you take a good look at their profile info and picture and then pick 3 or 4 that you like more than others and pursue them. If things don’t work out the way you had anticipated, you can go back, pick others and start all over again. Alternatively, you can approach new ladies signing up with Chinese dating site for a date and friendship. With any luck, they will respond in a positive manner.
Now, I understand how guys feel around a beautiful woman but when dating online, personal safety comes before everything else. Just because a pretty woman is more forthcoming and friendly there is no need for you to give out your personal details like telephone number, address and most of all your financial details. If she likes you, she will be back for more dates anyway. Only a scammer will want your personal details in a hurry so that he/she can put together their scam. Accept the fact that online dating is a time consuming and best results can only be achieved through baby steps.

Monday 21 May 2012

Common Misconceptions That Natives Using Chinese Dating Websites Have About Foreigners

When it comes to online Chinese dating websites, most write-ups focus on the misconceptions foreigners have about the Chinese people and Chinese culture in general. However, not much is written or said about the misconceptions that native Chinese harbor about foreigners. Given below are some common myths that a lot of Chinese people accept as true about their foreign dating partners.

1. All Foreigners Are Wealthy: A majority of Chinese girls tend to believe that all foreigners, especially the ones using Chinese dating websites, possess oodles of money. However, this is not entirely true as we know that most of us live from paycheck to paycheck with mortgage and maintenance eating away the major portion.

2. Foreigners Can’t Learn Chinese: The Chinese people feel that foreigners consider their native language to be extremely difficult and complex and hence are unable to learn it properly. However, this can be easily proved as false by taking into consideration the fact that there are numerous non-Chinese people living in various parts of the world who are extremely fluent with every aspect of the language.

3. Foreigners Live a Luxurious Life: This myth is deeply associated with the notion that all westerners are rolling in money and leading luxurious lives. How we wish it was true! But the fact is that most westerners have to work hard to earn their living. Though, life for an average westerner is not as hard as an average Chinese, it is not exactly a piece of cake either.

4. Foreign Men Seek Chinese Women only For Sex: A large percentage of native Chinese women consider this to be a fact and often doubt the intentions of westerners they meet online for dating. While it is true that there are numerous western men who have sexual fantasies about Chinese females, there is no shortage of men who seek oriental women because of their diverse qualities and attractive personalities.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Chinese Dating – The Importance Of Horoscope In Chinese Culture

Among the numerous queries that western men using Chinese dating websites have to face from their online mates, the most common is perhaps the one about their horoscopes. Although most men are aware of the significance of astronomy in the lives of Chinese people, they are rarely aware of the vital role played by horoscopes in finding a perfect match. In fact, most men are also ignorant of the fact that the Chinese concept of creating a horoscope is entirely different form the western perception of the same. According to Chinese astrological principles, the positions of the planets as well as the exact time of birth of individuals are the deciding factors in shaping their destiny.

The Chinese horoscope is divided into twelve signs each of which is related to a specific animal. These include rabbit, ox, rat, snake, rooster, pig, dog, dragon, monkey, tiger, horse and ram. A particular sign is assigned to an individual after several considerations primary among which are the year, month, day and hour of the birth. It is believed that these factors define the unique personality of every individual and also help in understanding the various aspects of their life. It is these factors that are use by Chinese astrologers to check the compatibility between prospective couples and that is why once your Chinese girlfriend wants to take the relationship to the next level she will ask for the exact details of year, month, day and hour of your birth.

Chinese people in general have firm belief in the ability of learned and experienced astrologers to correctly predict the various events of their life after studying their horoscopes thoroughly. That is why it is customary for Chinese parents to send the horoscopes of the prospective bride and the groom to their family astrologer to not only learn about their level of compatibility but also the other aspects of their future life together, including love, finances, children etc., even for cross cultural couples who meet through Chinese dating sites.
Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Friday 4 May 2012

West’s Fascination with Chinese Tattoos

There is no arguing the fact that Chinese tattoos are not only exquisitely beautiful but also quite overpowering too. However, those men who are tattoo aficionado and thinking of getting a Chinese character inked to impress the girls on the Chinese dating site, it is important to make sure that the tattoo they have in mind stands for exactly what they have in mind. After all, any tattoo tends to stay with you for the rest of your life and you won’t like your Chinese girlfriend to burst out laughing because the attractive Chinese characters you chose for your arm are actually the name of the dishes off a restaurant menu. Any amount of time you put for research before getting any Chinese tattoo is worth its while.

There was this young man from England who went to get the Mandarin characters for “Love, honor and obey” inked on his arm. Much to his dismay, a Chinese woman pointed out during their date that the tattoo on his arm actually said “At the end of the day, this is an ugly boy.” I know this sounds funny but it won’t look this funny when it is happening to you and you have to shell out a neat sum to remove it with laser.

While China has a long history of tattoos, but west's absorption with Chinese designs have little to do with their history or tattooing traditions, however. The fact is that Chinese characters and designs mesh well with art of tattooing. People all over the world find them attractive and choose to get them inked on various parts of their bodies.

As far as Chinese girls on Chinese dating sites are concerned, you won’t find many of them displaying tattoos. It simply does not conform to the conservative Chinese society. Only the bolder and independent sort would go for a tattoo that too on places where they can be easily covered up.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese girls online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Chinese Dating – Understanding The Lifestyle Of Chinese People

A large number of western men using Chinese dating website are often surprised by the seemingly unusual lifestyle of their Chinese girlfriends. A large majority of these oriental girls tend to have a traditional lifestyle and possess qualities that come from living in harmony with nature, co-existing in a peaceful manner and leading a simple life. They often exhibit a relaxed attitude towards life and its various problems which makes them quite interesting in the eyes of most of the overworked and over ambitious western men. Their ethics help them find satisfaction and happiness even in the most mundane things of everyday life.

The lifestyle of Chinese people is generally based on two important philosophies. The first of these is the harmony between humans and their natural environment and the second is harmony between people themselves. The importance of nature in the lives of Chinese people is evident in every aspect of their personality. Their preference for natural elements and materials in their everyday life as well as their love for the natural beauty and its various blessings is the biggest proof of the same. Even while using online Chinese dating websites, they prefer to date men who present themselves as what they are rather then masking their natural traits behind a façade.

Another interesting aspect of the personality and lifestyle of Chinese people as evident on Chinese dating sites is their love for traditionalism. It is not unusual to find a modern Chinese woman having a successful career and independent life to have a deep rooted faith in the various ancient traditions and customs of her society. Maintaining harmony within the population of more than 1.2 billion people, belonging to diverse racial, social, cultural and economic background is no small feat. This has been made possible by the firm belief of the Chinese people in a peaceful and harmonious co-existence with fellow humans.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Modern Chinese Culture And Its Influence On Chinese Dating

Most often, people showing an interest in becoming involved in Chinese dating are advised to learn about the culture and society of this ancient nation. However, not many people seem aware of the fact that Chinese culture, like most other cultures across the globe has undergone drastic changes in the past couple of decades. That is why a majority of people seeking information about Chinese culture tend to end up gathering knowledge about the rituals, traditions and customs that have long ceased to be followed by these oriental people. For men and women seeking a Chinese life mate or dating partner, it is vital to gather information about the culture that is prevalent in the Chinese society.

A lot of people are surprised to learn that modern Chinese culture is a amalgamation of various global cultures and the best aspects of traditional customs. Even though the lifestyle of most modern day Chinese youngsters is highly influenced by western culture and society, they still have great respect and regard for their own ancient morals and value systems. That is perhaps why, even though these youngsters are willing to experiment with relationships while using Chinese dating sites, they still believe in the concept of remaining faithful to their life mate for life once they become involved in a committed relationship.

The influence of other global cultures on Chinese people has helped in bringing out the best in them. This is evident on online Chinese dating websites as well, where the Chinese females, who were once considered to be too reserve and submissive have become confident enough to hold intellectual discussions with their dating partners on a wide range of subjects. Not only are the Chinese natives using online dating sites more confident and outspoken but their outlook towards this modern method of finding love has also changed significantly. Being significant differences in ancient and modern Chinese culture can prove extremely helpful for individuals seeking success in online dating and finding Chinese life mate.

Are you looking for a genuine website for dating Chinese men and women online? helps you find reliable dating sites by providing honest reviews about various online Chinese dating websites. Coco Chen writes articles with online dating tips for great dating experience.