Tuesday 28 August 2012

Date Chinese Women with Elegance and Elan – Part - I

Dating oriental beauties is every man’s first wish. Intrigued by their charm and magnetizing beauty, men find Chinese women irresistible. So many people plan to date Chinese women in their own style. But there are very few who know that dating Chinese women is a pure art as these women are need to be handled in a different way as compared to their western counterparts. An intelligent man looks for simple yet effective techniques for dating Chinese beauties.
In this article, you will get to read these effective techniques so that you too can imply them to make your dating experience not only successful but a memorable one. So folks, fasten your seat belt to know more about how to date China women with élan and elegance.
Hooked to online Chinese dating, do not commit the mistake that you can say or write anything to impress your Chinese girl. A bitter truth is always respected and appreciated rather than telling a lie just to make your girl happy in that certain moment. She will be hurt when she will get to know about the truth later. Never forget, in Chinese culture honesty and respect are highly appreciated. If you know how to respect a woman, you are certainly on the right track to date a Chinese woman. Never conceal anything from the girl you love. Your honest attitude will be respected by her and she will be drawn to you in no time. So, win her confidence confidently.
As I stated earlier, “Chinese dating is an art.” You will be amazed to find out that in Chinese culture; if you take the lead, you certainly get an instant approval not only from the girl but from her family as well. A man who has the guts to ask a woman out for a date is always appreciated and taken seriously. Taking a lead does not mean you can make all the decisions on your own. You are entitled to pay the bills on your date but it does not imply that you can ignore her choices and preferences. Do ask her about her opinions politely and openly to make her feel comfortable.
In part-II of the article, we will discuss more tips that will lead you to your destination i.e. how to date Chinese women. So keep coming back to make your Chinese dating experience the most memorable event of your life.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Online Chinese Dating – The Best way to find your Dream Match – Part - II

In part –I of the article, under the same title and introduction, I shared my experience with a Chinese girl, not that I’m dating her, just a little bit on how I developed a liking for Chinese girls. In this article, I will introduce you to the various techniques of online Chinese dating. So keep reading, if you too are longing for a perfect match.

Recently I met a girl (actually the store owner) in a book store. I was mesmerized by the meticulous way she was working there. And her killer looks were also a factor which prompted me to initiate a conversation with her. Her soft voice was so soothing and calming that I wished that our conversation just go on and on. I was about to ask her out but a kid came running and encircled his arms around her fondly and called her mom.

 I was surprised (actually shocked) to know that the girl who I was conversing with, is mom of a five-year-old kid. I was amazed at the way this Chinese mom carried herself. Her petite features, smooth hair, soothing voice, intelligence captivated my attention. I was drawn to her beauty as well as her managerial skills. I appreciated the way she was working and balancing her personal life along with her profession.

You must be pretty excited to experiment with this new adventure. Isn’t it? Dating someone on the Internet has its own pros and cons. So take into account that you may encounter some nasty experience during your pursuit for a perfect match, though this is a rare case. Anyway, let us get started on “How to start with Online Chinese dating”?

The first requirement is to find a suitable site, according to your expectations and requirements. Ask yourself questions like, whether you want free service or want to subscribe to paid services? Based on your preference, you can opt for the right Chinese dating sites services for your dating rendezvous.
Make a good profile on the site you’ve selected for your dating tryst with your photos. Write your ‘about us’ section in a real manner to let the other user know more about you. This way you can connect with the right person without getting into much trouble.

Making a profile on Chinese dating Website is not difficult at all; it’s just that you need to make some genuine efforts to reach the right person.
For more information, log on to www.onlinechinesedating.com.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Online Chinese Dating – The Best way to Find your Dream Match – Part - I

Recently I met a girl (actually the store owner) in a book store. I was mesmerized by the meticulous way she was working there. And her killer looks were also a factor which prompted me to initiate a conversation with her. Her soft voice was so soothing and calming that I wished that our conversation just go on and on. I was about to ask her out but a kid came running and encircled his arms around her fondly and called her mom. I was surprised (actually shocked) to know that the girl who I was conversing with, is mom of a five-year-old kid. I was amazed at the way this Chinese mom carried herself. Her petite features, smooth hair, soothing voice, intelligence captivated my attention.

I was drawn to her beauty as well as her managerial skills. I appreciated the way she was working and balancing her personal life along with her profession.
The incident forced me to research more on Chinese girls. On the internet, I saw innumerable Chinese dating sites, which made me realized that Chinese girls are the most sought-after girls in the world. They are appreciated for their looks, features and so many other factors. Obviously a guy dreams of a girl who is beautiful, smart and has brains. She should know how to balance her personal and professional lives. Not only this, the girl should be capable enough to carry herself in the manner the way this book store owner was (this is my opinion and any other guy may differ on this).

After reading the above lines, if you too think this is how your woman should be, then Chinese girls are just the right creatures for you. Now you know the solution very well, right? Be a sport and take the next step on how to start and from where to start dating Chinese girls.

From my research I got to know that internet is flooded with Chinese Dating Websites. You can find all types of websites like, the ones which offer free services to its users; another type is paid sites where you have to pay a nominal fee to avail their services; then there are sites which offer services where you can chat with the other users and mail them etc.

In part –II of the article, I will describe more on how to start with online Chinese dating? After all, my deep research on the topic should help you as well. So keep coming back to know more about dating Chinese girls.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Online Chinese Dating is a Mind Game, So Play Your Moves Cautiously – Part II

In part –I of the article with the same title and introduction we had a deep insight on few things that you should follow and things which you should avoid to turn your online dating affair in to a huge success. In the part-II of the article, we are continuing with the formulas that will help you in reaching your final destination easily and smoothly.

Dating sites have become an intrinsic part of everyone’s love life. You can get whatever you want, whether you are looking for a long-term relationship or just a casual flick. Scores of online profiles show that people are open and ready to experiment these days. However, merely creating a profile on the Chinese dating sites is not going to get you to your destination unless you follow a cogent route, which only can assure you success. So, here we go. A list of few do’s and don’ts, which will make your journey to your beloved’s, heart a smooth and convenient ride.

  1. By now, you are done with the first two steps of your journey i.e. creating a profile with the best of your pictures. Here comes the third step, which is equally important or may be the most important step in your online dating pursuit. Chinese dating websites offer their clients and members to visit the others profile on the site, so that they can communicate with others to take their online dating journey to the next level. This makes you to think over few important things, like,
    1. How to send a friend request…an impressive one;
    2. How will you introduce yourself to the person you’ve shown your interest in;
    3. What kind of words you should choose in order to make your interest know that you’ve genuine interest in her profile and making friends with you is not harmful.
    If you are clear in your mind with all these questions, only then you can make your first move successful. Because communication is the key and choosing the right words may strike the right chord. So be careful with what you write. It should not look like you are flirting with her and passing your time because you don’t have any friends for that.
  2. Bingo! If you have received a positive reply from your interest. Now you’ve all the time to know the girl in a better way. Interact with her, share your secrets, if you think she is trustworthy and genuine. But you need to be careful while communicating with her. If you think she is the right girl for you, then let her know your feeling for her. And patiently wait for her reply.

Online Chinese dating is fun if you’ve met the right person. But it can turn into a harrowing experience if you are communicating with a wrong person, and that too carelessly. Don’t ever reveal your personal information like, bank account number, address or any office information to anyone. Be careful to enjoy the twists and turns on dating online.

Log on to www.onlinechinesedating.com for availing impeccable reviews on Chinese dating services and other Chinese dating sites.