Tuesday 14 August 2012

Online Chinese Dating is a Mind Game, So Play Your Moves Cautiously – Part II

In part –I of the article with the same title and introduction we had a deep insight on few things that you should follow and things which you should avoid to turn your online dating affair in to a huge success. In the part-II of the article, we are continuing with the formulas that will help you in reaching your final destination easily and smoothly.

Dating sites have become an intrinsic part of everyone’s love life. You can get whatever you want, whether you are looking for a long-term relationship or just a casual flick. Scores of online profiles show that people are open and ready to experiment these days. However, merely creating a profile on the Chinese dating sites is not going to get you to your destination unless you follow a cogent route, which only can assure you success. So, here we go. A list of few do’s and don’ts, which will make your journey to your beloved’s, heart a smooth and convenient ride.

  1. By now, you are done with the first two steps of your journey i.e. creating a profile with the best of your pictures. Here comes the third step, which is equally important or may be the most important step in your online dating pursuit. Chinese dating websites offer their clients and members to visit the others profile on the site, so that they can communicate with others to take their online dating journey to the next level. This makes you to think over few important things, like,
    1. How to send a friend request…an impressive one;
    2. How will you introduce yourself to the person you’ve shown your interest in;
    3. What kind of words you should choose in order to make your interest know that you’ve genuine interest in her profile and making friends with you is not harmful.
    If you are clear in your mind with all these questions, only then you can make your first move successful. Because communication is the key and choosing the right words may strike the right chord. So be careful with what you write. It should not look like you are flirting with her and passing your time because you don’t have any friends for that.
  2. Bingo! If you have received a positive reply from your interest. Now you’ve all the time to know the girl in a better way. Interact with her, share your secrets, if you think she is trustworthy and genuine. But you need to be careful while communicating with her. If you think she is the right girl for you, then let her know your feeling for her. And patiently wait for her reply.

Online Chinese dating is fun if you’ve met the right person. But it can turn into a harrowing experience if you are communicating with a wrong person, and that too carelessly. Don’t ever reveal your personal information like, bank account number, address or any office information to anyone. Be careful to enjoy the twists and turns on dating online.

Log on to www.onlinechinesedating.com for availing impeccable reviews on Chinese dating services and other Chinese dating sites.

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